Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lore of Warcraft: Dusk, part 1

With the Blizzard Global Writing Contest deadline passed, I now present the Hokage's submission!  This is the first part of a story too epic to be contained within the 7500 word requirement.  Therefore, what follows is merely the first chapter of the tale!

"In his short time with the Nightwatch of Darkshire, Samuel has faced many horrors in the years since the 3rd war. Now, with Worgen packs ravaging the town's supply lines, Samuel must bring all his skill and strength to bear against this new and terrifying enemy. But there is something else in the woods, something even the Worgen fear..."

Click "Read More" to see the full version, and enjoy!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

State of the Guild Address - August 2010

Happy end of summer, comrades!  

There seem to be many rumors circulating about the apparent lack of online presence of our members.  I'd like to take this opportunity to address the unfortunate fears that have reached even my ears!

This summer has seen many changes, comrades!  Many of us have traveled, found new opportunities, worked hard for seasonal cash, and have spent much time on actual RL adventures.  Others have simply created alts to experience the Alliance side of the game, just to try something new.  Much will change in the Cataclysm, so it's understandable that many would try to experience as much of the world as possible before it is gone forever.

This time devoted to enjoying the Summer months as well as alternate faction experiences has in fact lead to a decreased online presence.  But this has been so for many a guild, not just our own.  Make no mistake, our clan is not disbanding.  Our guild is not ended.  Do not let the scarce membership you may find online on any given day lead you to despair. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Under the sway of the Burning Legion, the vile Ogre Magi were able to tap into our darkest emotions.  Fueled by demonic fire, this rage was multiplied in potency many times over, and unleashed upon the enemies of the Horde!  The consequences were catastrophic.