Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Truth about Nerfs in 4.2!

There has been a lot of chatter, both online and in the forums, about the upcoming Patch 4.2.  Most players are worried about the same thing: the dreaded Class Nerf!!

While it is true that, in the attempt to balance the game in all its aspects, ungainly decreases in power and abilities have been known to occur, and will continue to occur, I call upon you to use your Reason, comrades, and remember these key points:

  1. The game is Always changing and Always evolving.  Changes that do not work out are very likely to be changed again.  It's part of the game, just as much as it is a part of Life.
  2. Virtually all Nerfs to player classes are due to QQ'ing of the PvP community.  While class nerfs may affect all members of a class, the actual effect may be considerably less detrimental than one might think, especially if one spends more time questing and in dungeons rather than battlefields.  
  3. Every Nerf, regardless of its origin, is almost always accompanied by at least one Buff.  
This last fact becomes glaringly apparent in the following list, which I've compiled from the 4.2 patch notes.  It is a fact of life that nothing is free.  Every benefit has a cost, comrades.  The trick is to lessen the cost while increasing the benefit.  

As you'll see from this list of class changes, any and all Nerfs of 4.2 are actually reasonable costs for the incredible benefits to be experienced by nearly every class!  The patch notes have been compiled and separated into 3 categories, followed by a summary:
  1. Nerf:  A change that lessens the stats and/or abilities of a given class.
  2. Buff:  A change that positively modifies the stats/abilities of a given class.
  3. Superficial:  A change that, while it may be cool to look at or neat in some way, does not significantly alter the stats or abilities of a given class.  (They can still be awesome though.)  
Come, comrades, click "Read More" and see for yourselves.  It's not going to be what you think!  As always, the official, original patch notes can be found here.