Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Our Name, Our Pride!

The time draws near, comrades, where I will officially be petitioning for a Guild Name Change.  And while I still welcome your input, I felt it is time for you to hear some of my final thoughts on the matter. 

As I've spoken to you, my comrades, regarding this upcoming change, I've heard and felt many things.  One change that I have decided on is the order of the candidate names, as well as some modifications to the List itself.  When I petition, the list shall be as follows:

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Round 1: FIGHT!!

It is said that a true warrior is not merely a master of weapons...he is a weapon!  So, in the spirit of the true nature of martial artistry, the Akatsuki Fight Club has been born!  Meets will be scheduled on the calendar, so be on the lookout for upcoming events! 

Those who honorably participate will earn Guild Rep, as well as a shot at prizes and coin!

Note, this is not simply a Duelling Club, (although, that's also a good idea!)  Those who wish to participate in Fight Club will honor the following basic rules

Sunday, December 13, 2009

"What Are We Anyway?"

Hail, comrades of the Sun!  As we strive forward to rebuild our beloved clan, we find ourselves faced with the familiar question, "What kind of guild are you guys?"

This is not an unreasonable question, for there are in fact different kinds.  There are Raiding Guilds versus Levelling Guilds; Casual ones vs Hardcore, etc. So for those of you working hard to spread the word of our membership, for which I thank you, I'd like to be clear on my vision for our guild, as far as "type" is concerned.  

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Guild Rename: Discussion

Given the many different responses I have received so far, it is clear this is a subject of much interest, but of little consensus.  And as I have not been able to determine an overall opinion from You, my comrades, I shall be postponing a rename petition until the New Year.  During this time, I want anyone who has an opinion or suggestion regarding this to contact me, either in comment below, my email address, or in game.

For those of you unfamiliar with the reasoning for such a change, please refer to the earlier post:  http://hyjalakatsuki.blogspot.com/2009/11/candidates-for-our-new-guild-name.html

The Guild Rename process requires that a list of 5 candidate names, listed in order of preference, be submitted to the Game Masters for consideration.  As it stands at this moment, the Candidate names are as follows:

Friday, December 4, 2009

Honoring Profession Milestones, part 1

Hail, comrades of Akatsuki.  You will be pleased to know that, in a first step toward honoring our Artisans, Profession Milestones will now be worth Guild Rep when reached as a member of our clan! 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lore of Warcraft: The Demon Hunter of Azshara.

"Can you see them, mortal? No... I did not think you could.  Sighted but sightless - it is your gift and your curse..."

  His name is Loramus Thalipedes, a Night Elf of the Ancient World.  Within the realm of Azeroth, he is the last of his kind. He is a Demon Hunter.