Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lore of Warcraft: The Flight to Kalimdor

After the fall of Durneholde Keep, the young warrior-shaman named Thrall faced an uncertain future.  The orcs were free from the human internment camps, and the Fel withdrawal that so sapped their spirits was abated by their newly rediscovered spirituality and reverence for the forces of nature.  But their legendary warchief, Orgrim Doomhammer, had been slain in the struggle, leaving the young and idealistic Thrall to take up his mantle.

Now, even with their hard won freedom, the orcs still remained in a hostile land.  How long could they survive a renewed assault by the armies of Lordaeron and their allies?  What place could his people possibly call home in this world?  These were questions that plagued the young warchief, and while he had the respect and unflinching loyalty of the orcs he freed, they were questions he had yet to answer. 

Fun With Macros Update!

Comrades!  A tried and true macro has been improved!  Remember the macro I informed you about that lets you use 1 button to trigger two alternate abilities? If you don't, click here to see the previous post on this amazing and stupifying ability!!

Now, since we already know we can make 1 button toggle two separate abilities, which is great, but....how about we throw a 3rd ability in there?  That's right, now, up to 3 abilities can be triggered using 1 button!  Think of the space you'll save on the ol' action bars now!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Endangered Areas!

While politicians and warmongers bicker and squabble over scraps and inflated egos, the danger of a global catastrophe looms!  It is no longer a question of IF it will happen, according to the Druids of the Cenarian Circle and the Shamans of the Earthen Ring, but of when!  

But this begs another question; "Where?"

While the global Cataclysm is sure to shake all of Azeroth to its foundations, it is imperative to know which areas will most likely be the hardest hit, the most affected, in order that those of us who heed the words of the wise ones may survive!  Also, while the political landscape is shaped by history and bloodshed, the question of how the great nations of Durotar and Stormwind will handle the Aftermath is one of great concern.  

I've spoken to the wisest Shamans and Druids I could find.  The future may look grim, but with knowledge and foresight, we will stand a better chance of carving out future in the face of the Aftermath!

And so, here is a listing of the areas most likely to be affected by the coming Cataclysm, as well as its aftermath:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gone Phishin'

I received this email this morning from a gold farmer posing to be Blizzard.  It's a fine example of just how cunning our lovable account thieves are, as well has how foolish many players can be.  Many of us are anxiously awaiting the coming Cataclysm, but if you'd like to opt into the beta and play the test realms, go to the official website.  

This email looks all official, and the hyperlinks, which were replaced here, lead to pages that look like the actual log in screen.  This is just for them to record you security and log in information, as well as to have you download a nice keylogger onto your system to allow repeat hacking!  Sounds good eh?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New Allies for Old Enemies!!

Comrades!  As lethal in combat as they are ironic in name, the Enemy of the Sun clan has offered to join forces in flushing out the Raids of Old!  That's right, in what may be our last opportunities to see these Classic Raids before the great Cataclysm, these mighty soldiers have offered their strength, their steel, and their powers!  Blackrock, Molten Core, Ahn'Qiraj, Karazhan, Zul'Aman, Tempest Keep, The Black Temple, and yes, even Naxxramas and Ulduar, will now face the combined strength of the Shades and the Enemies of the Sun!!