Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fun With Macros Update!

Comrades!  A tried and true macro has been improved!  Remember the macro I informed you about that lets you use 1 button to trigger two alternate abilities? If you don't, click here to see the previous post on this amazing and stupifying ability!!

Now, since we already know we can make 1 button toggle two separate abilities, which is great, but....how about we throw a 3rd ability in there?  That's right, now, up to 3 abilities can be triggered using 1 button!  Think of the space you'll save on the ol' action bars now!

So here it is:

/cast [modifier:shift] ability 2; [modifier:alt] ability 3; ability 1

In this case, I numbered the abilities from the most commonly used one to the least.  Shift, for me, seems easier to get to than alt, but you can switch up the order to suit your needs.  Don't ask me why they have to be ordered like this, I have no idea, but through trial and error, I was finally able to figure out what works.  I'll leave the "why" to you programmers out there.

My new disciple, the Shaman Shenji, makes avid use of this new macro!  I shall demonstrate how to write them using her Totems as abilities.

/cast [modifier:shift] Searing Totem; [Modifier:alt] Flametongue Totem; Magma Totem.

So, with this macro, if I just click the button, ability 1, the Magma Totem, drops.  If I shift-click the button, ability 2, the Searing Totem, drops.  And if I Alt-click the button, the Flametongue Totem drops.  

And of course, let's not forget the #showtooltip command.  This command allows you to see the tooltip for whatever ability is toggled when you mouse over the button.  I find that entering this command after writing the main macro works best.  So, after I line up my 3 abilities in the macro, I enter the command like this:

/cast [modifier:shift] Searing Totem; [Modifier:alt] Flametongue Totem; Magma Totem.

So when I just mouse over the button, I'll see the tooltip for Magma Totem.  Shift-click shows the tooltip for Searing, and alt-click shows the one for Flametongue.

And that's it!  It took a while and a lot of error, but the result is most excellent!  Stay tuned, as I am currently hunting for the way to write a 4th ability in there!  Lok'tar Ogar!!

~Ogami, Hokage of the Shades of the Rising Sun

-If you have a functional and cool macro that you'd like to share, email it to OgamiGoro@yahoo.com 

1 comment:

  1. Here is the simple sequence macro I use for a leveling warlock:

    /castsequence reset=target/combat/5 Immolate, Curse of Agony, Corruption, Shadow Bolt, Drain Soul
    /use Firebolt
    /use Torment

    Use the ? for the icon, and keybind this to your action bar.

    When you press the button, it sends out either your imp or void, depending which is out, and at the same time casts immolate.

    Press the button again and it casts your curse; again and it casts corruption. Now you have all your dots up and your demon attacking. The demon usually will have all the aggro.

    You can hit the button again to fire shadow bolt and again to drain soul, or you can move to another line of attack as the situation calls for.

    I have found it helpful to have several abilities, particularly the dots and send demon, attached to one key.
