Friday, March 19, 2010

Deathrace: Ironforge Results!

The Intrepid Deathracers assemble at the foot of the mountain. The mighty Ironforge looms above them!  (click to enlarge)

In a star studded and epic day of fatalistic racing, the Shades assembled upon the small Ice Troll Campground outside of the mighty Ironforge!  It was a day of heartache, pain, and triumph!!  The intrepid dwarves, defenders of their beloved city and ingenious in their mechanisms, responded as expected to our arrival.  Armed with nets and heavy weapons, many a racer was snared and dazed, dismounted and beaten down!  Opposing faction players as well got in on the action, unleashing the full fury of their powers even as they struggled to comprehend, no doubt, why their supposed attackers wore no armor, and paid little attention to the desperate call for guards!  

In the 2nd of 3 races, the Deathracers line up behind a dwarves wall, waiting for the starting gun!  (click to enlarge)

It was not purely a Guild event, however.  Visiting us from the Legion of Damnation, the Guild Leader, Torchling, also joined in on the festivities.  Our resident Blood Knight, Anivas, walked away with over 200g in prize coin as he put on a dominating performance within the stone walled depths of Ironforge!  Indeed, he truly earned the title of Grand Prix Champ!!

And they're off!  The Racers launch themselves up the road to the dwarven city, while 2 of its guardians look on, stinking of equal parts fear and confusion!  (click to enlarge)

In total, over 500g in prize coin was earned by our brave, extreme racers!  After a hard day of masochism, the battered Deathracers retreated to Shattrath to drown their pains and toast to victory before tearing up the floor to the shredding sounds of the Tauren Chieftains!

Drinking and dancing at the World's End Tavern, just before the show! (click to enlarge)

Even Non-Guildmates get into the groove!  That's the Power of the Tauren Chieftains!  (click to enlarge)

Indeed, it was a good day to be Horde!!

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