Monday, April 19, 2010

Coming Soon....

That's right, comrades!  If you thought Ironforge was a festival of masochism, you haven't seen anything yet!!

Pushing their pain thresholds to their very limits, the Deathracers of the Shades of the Rising Sun bring their games to the Alliance Capital!!

The guards are quick, and many.  The faction players are powerful, and unforgiving!  The reigning Deathrace Champion, Anivas, will not relinquish his title without a fight!  Two races will determine not only who will win up to 450g in prize cash, but who will survive at all! 

 Given the insane difficulty of this feat, the race will only take place if we have 10 racers at minimum.  For those who wish to participate, the requirements are as follows:

  1. All racers must be minimum level 40, and have their Journeyman Riding training and mount.
  2. Armor must be removed, and remain off for the duration of the race.  Rings, belts, necklaces, cloaks, shirts, tabards, trinkets, and of course, weapons, are allowed. 
  3. Special Speed Buffs and Auras, as well as items, that increase Mounted Speed are not allowed.
  4. Racers are NOT to attack the enemy forces or residents and guards of Stormwind.  They WILL chase and attack you!  Your job is to outrun them! IF you are dismounted, you are permitted to defend yourself, but only as much as necessary to get Out of Stormwind.  Players who decide to go on a murderous rampage through the city will be severely sanctioned.
  5. Racers are to stick as close to the designated Race Path as possible!  Cutting through non-pathed areas will result in Disqualification.  (You will very likely be Killed anyway).    
  6. If at any time you are killed by enemy guards/players, you are out of that race.  Make your way to one of the Rendevous points and await the next race!
  7. You MUST be mounted to finish the race!  Crossing the finish line on foot will not qualify as a win.  

Of course, the other requirement will be to actually get to Stormwind.  Unlike Ironforge, the Horde has no backdoor into the human capital city.  Additional maps will be provided toward the end.

The Deathrace will be split into 2 phases:  Escape! and Suicide!

Escape:  The first phase will require all racers to meet up in Felwood.  From there, we will make our way to Darkshore and catch the ship to Stormwind.  The race will begin as soon as the ship comes to a full stop.  From Stormwind Harbor, you must then race up the ramp and into the city.  The first one who makes it out of the front gate into Elwynn Forest wins.

(click to enlarge)

As you can see, there are 3 routes out of the city designated on the map.  Stormwind is a big place, and you are free to use any of these routes to Escape!

If you are dismounted, Stormwind features many back alleys and a lovely man-made river that can aid in your evasion of the guards and angry citizens.  Also, there are 2 instances within the city that you may be able to use to your advantage.  The first is the Stormwind Stockades, their inner city prison that they've pathetically let the criminals take over.  The other is the Deeprun Tram, located in the Dwarven District.  If you end up taking the subway, you will end up in good ol' Ironforge!

Suicide:  The second race will seem a bit more familiar to veteran Deathracers.  After the first race, we will meet up in Elwynn Forest at one of the designated Gathering Areas.  Which one we'll be using will be determined on that day, and will depend on just how hotly the Alliance defenders will pursue us!  Once we've found a suitable gathering place, we will start the race.  Much like "Deathrace:  Ironforge!", the goal will be to enter the city through the front, and circle, counter clockwise, around the perimeter, following the designated route.  The first one to make out the front gate after 1 time around the "track" is the winner!

(click to enlarge)

Again, there are safe zones within the city in the form of instances; the Stockades and the Deeprun Tram.  But in this race, if you must escape the angry defenders, you may also attempt to hop the boat back to Auberdine in Darkshire, or even swim to Westfall!  

The Prizes for these 2 races are as follows:

  1. 200g
  2. 35g
  3. 15g
  1. 250g
  2. 50g
  3. 25g

And, like Ironforge, if there is only 1 winner of a race because no one else survives, then it's winner take all!!  Also, all who honorably participate will earn 10 Guild Rep and 2 RDP!

Getting to Stormwind the Horde way:

As mentioned above, getting to Stormwind will be a trek in an of itself!  For "Escape!," we will be meeting at the Bloodvenom outpost in Felwood, and then jumping the waterfall into Darkshore.  Once there, we will head north to Auberdine.  There we will find a long dock where 3 ships make port.  The ship to Stormwind docks at the southern most pier.  Auberdine is lightly guarded and sparsely populated, but we will still run into some resistance.  Do not disrobe your heavy armor until we reach Stormwind!

The Route from Felwood to Auberdine. (click to enlarge)

For those who for whatever reason cannot make, or do not wish to do, the first race, you must find your way to Elwynn Forest on your own.  Possible routes include swimming to Westfall from Grom'gol in Stranglethorn Vale, or riding up into Duskwood and continuing north across the river into Elwynn.  

Once in Elwynn Forest, you may use the map to reference escape routes and hiding places, as well as relatively safe Gathering Areas.  The Graveyard is located in the Lumber Camp.
   (click to enlarge) 

So there you have it!  Steel your hearts, temper your wills, and ready your paramedics!  Deathrace:  Stormwind is upon us!! 

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