Tuesday, April 13, 2010

State of the Guild Address

Greetings, my comrades!

I wanted to take this moment and tell you all how proud I am of how far we've come, and how much I look forward to good things in the future!

Six months ago, the guild was crumbling.  But as we entered into the new year, we did so with renewed fire, and it is reflected in the spirit of our membership.

We've since seen the number of active players online swell from 1 or 2 to as many as 25 at one time, and I expect that to grow as our membership does!  Our guild dynamic has attracted new members, even formidable characters who's raid experience far outmatches our own.  Inactive or uncouth recruits are sanctioned or eliminated without remorse.

We've seen several new 80's come of age, and the guild's dedication to gearing them up and honing their skills has been inspiring!

We've smashed the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj without so much as breaking a sweat.

We regularly invade the tower of Karazhan to hunt for the elusive Mongoose formula.

We've seen the fall of Naxxramas, and the conquest of the Vault of Archavon!

We've assaulted and smashed the gates of Ulduar!

We've slain Sartharion and Onyxia!

We've defended the Crossroads from Alliance raids, and crushed the assaults on Wintergrasp Keep!

We've crowned champions of the Joust, and survived the suicidal Deathrace into Ironforge!

And with little exception, we've conquered every enemy laid out before us by the Kirin Tor, something they seem to do on a weekly basis!

We've come very far, my comrades, and we have yet so much to do!  The final battle still remains, and Icecrown Citadel will certainly be the hardest test we've ever faced.  But there are other bastions of enemies as well!  Many of us have yet to plumb the depths of Ulduar, or compete for the ultimate Honor of the Argent Crusade.  

I have no doubt we will eventually have the strength to match these destinations, but I urge patience to all who are over anxious to get there.  Building a free Raid Pool must be done with care and attention.  We are not a Raiding Guild, nor will we ever be as long as I am Hokage.  

Real Life still, and always, comes first.  

Gameplay and fun will forever take priority of epic gears.  

Because I know that many of you are excited and anxious to get guild runs going, again, be patient.  We do find ourselves having to pug spots in our raid groups.  To help, we must continue to build alliances and contacts outside the guild.  We must build relationships with like-minded friends, and even if they are not our members, we must reach out to them when in need of aid.  And we must answer when they do the same to us!  

We also must be sure to carry ourselves in a manner that befits our guild ideals!  Many of those on my friends list are epically geared raiders, Tanks and Healers, who, through simple pleasant interaction, are happy to lend their shields and magics to our cause!  I expect you all have been doing likewise!

And of course, whenever possible, we must Recruit these folks!  Allies are wonderful, but nothing is better than having true Comrades!

So, in the words of our redeemed Blood Elven comrades, Stand Tall, Shades of the Rising Sun!  There is no question we have much yet to accomplish.  But looking back on what we've achieved so far, I know that nothing is beyond our reach.  Long live the Game!  

Lok'tar Ogar!!

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