Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Screenshot Gallery Updated!

New Screenshots added!  This post will be updated and reposted as more pics come in!

An Iron Clad Ogami takes on the mighty Phalanx! Whatcha gonna do, brother?!

The one called Magtheridon meets his fate at the hands of the Shades!

Ogami practices Kata with the spirits of Fire!

Even within the twisted horrors of the Maraudon, Táka finds serenity.

High Chieftain Ogami leads brave Darkspears to battle Zalazane!

Shenji takes a moment to relish the fall of Emperor Thaurissan

The Betrayer contemplates his lot, while an Assassin lurks!

Ally Zorixion takes on a familiar shape to challenge the Lich King!

 Deadeyez readies himself to rid Tiristfal of the last remnant of the Burning Legion...

He'll be scary when he fills out!

Even our Warriors are excellent Shinobi, as Brraains clearly demonstrates!

Ex-Shade, Zorixion shows off the consequence of his terrible Wrath!! [click to enlarge]

He must complete the cycle, or he will cease to exist!

The Demon Hunter's advice was sound, Razelikh has fallen!

Shades of the Rising Sun rock it out to the Tauren Chieftain's "Power of the Horde!!"

The Victorious Shades outside the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj!

The Assassin finds himself a highly sought after Target, this Harvest Bounty Holiday!

The Brave Tulkhas must seek the aid of a Demon Hunter in his mission to slay the Immortals!

Neimue, the Demon Hunter of Akatsuki, pauses to consider a deadly task...
More Screenshots Coming Soon!  

Send your screenshots to OgamiGoro@yahoo.com!

1 comment:

  1. wow very interesting and entertaining pictures!
    Well Im proud to be in this guild and that pretty much sums it all up!

    thanks Ogami! :D

