Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blizzcon 2010 Photo Recap!!

It was 2 days of Legend!  The Makers, the players, the loot and the lore, all was a spectacle worthy of the Titans!  So come with me, comrades, and witness the event of the year!  All pics are click to enlarge!

Behold, Blizzcon 2010!!

The Anaheim Convention Center, capacity: 20k, FILLED by the early morning!

A Panorama of mythic proportions!

The Opening Ceremony, featuring the Senior VP of Creative Development, and the voice of Thrall, Chris Metzen!

He must work for Hemet...

The one called Betrayer!

Jim Rayner, leader of the Resistance.

Wolf Guard Pride!
This "Gameshow" only came in Easy Mode, but it did feature the Blizzard Head of Story (the girl in the braids)
The Quest and Lore Q&A with Chris Metzen (right), and Lead World Designer, Alex Afrasabi.  

The newest and last character class revealed for Diablo 3: The Demon Hunter!

The winner of last year's costume contest: the Mistress of Pain...

Diablo 3 Witch Doctors; they wish they were Trolls.

Zerglings feeding.  The sound was sickening...

A Blood Elf Sorceror.

A pair of Blood Knights. 

Quel'Dorei and Kaldorei, hanging out together.

Epic HoTs given here.

Trolls.  They think you're delicious.

The Wall...where the players leave their mark.

Our banner planted proudly!  Go Shades!

They will know our business soon!

I found some people writing on the back of the wall. Rogues, however, excel from this angle!
The Realm Meeting Stone, where battlegroups are summoned!
A 2pm appointment with Hyjal...perhaps I'll get my hands on Twobyfour...or VSO? ::cracks knuckles::

In attendance, some of the top Raiders on the server....even though their guilds did not survive the summer!

Chris Metzen, and the Senior Art Director of Blizzard, and head singer of the Lv80ETC, Samwise Didier, pose with your friendly neighborhood Orc Assassin!  For the Horde!!

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