Friday, October 29, 2010

The Drums of War!!

Our numbers swell, and the bastion of the Lich King looms before us!  The Warbringers feel that our time in nigh.  Rise up, Champions of the Horde, for the Hour of Justice has Come!

Warbringers Gnaws and Kîllz have been preparing, and have stated that a Guild assault upon Icecrown Citadel is nearly upon us.  What they need, comrades, are soldiers!  I call for all interested Shades to post their availabilities, either here on the comments, or in game in a letter to the Warbringers.  

We must know who is prepared for the final onslaught.  Who will stand in the face of everlasting death?  Who will shatter the Frozen Throne?

It may be you!  Lok'tar Ogar!!

~Ogami, High Chieftain of the Shades of the Rising Sun


  1. I will offer the blades of Daeridel or the elemental powers of Tonythetiger, or if all else fails, Deadeyez, the brave young Orc hunter, can offer his skills of the gun and the bite of Twotontony!

  2. You're aid, and the aid of your disciples, will be most welcome, comrade!!

  3. Anything to aid my hokage and the warriors who fight in the shade of the rising sun
