Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cho'gall Has Fallen!

Hail, intrepid warriors of the Horde!

War Party Alpha, led by Warbringer Shammycakes, has successfully assaulted the Bastion of Twilight, and defeated the long time scourge of free peoples of Azeroth, the warlock Cho'gall!  A menace since the start of the Second War, Cho'gall turned what was once a small but insidious clan of orcs into a global cult with far reaching, and disastrous, influence!  

War Party Alpha prepares for the final battle!
Thanks to our courageous warriors, this lieutenant of Deathwing has been sent to the abyss he so cravenly sought to bring to the world in life!

Well done, comrades!  Next up:  Nefarion, son of Deathwing, in the Depths of Blackwing Descent!  Onward to glory!!

~Ogami, High Chieftain of the Shades of the Rising Sun

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Vent Drive!!

Greetings, comrades of the Rising Sun!

One of the greatest assets that our clan possesses is the Guild Bought and Owned Ventrilo account!  Here, we can converse in real time, share experiences, jokes and stories, and of course, coordinate our attacks on our enemies with the utmost speed and efficiency!

The time has come once again for all members to step up and ensure that our Vent stays active.  For how long will depend on the total contributions we are able to generate.  It could be for 3 months, 6 months, a year, or even 3 years!

Please look to the sidebar and find the Donate button for our Vent fund.  No amount you contribute is too little, so give what you can! 

Of course, there will be some added perks for your contributions!

Firstly, everyone who contributes to the vent fund, no matter the size of the contribution, will receive a one time payment of 100g from the Guild Vault!

Secondly, there will be fabulous prizes available to win through a Guild Lottery!  Eligibility will be determined by a set amount of donation!  Each donation of a set amount will enter a random number for you for that particular prize!  You are welcome to donate as many times as you wish for a particular prize!  A Guild Lottery on December 1, 2011 will determine the winners of each prize!  

And without further ado, here is the list of prizes!

  1. Every $3 donation enters a number for you in a drawing for:  
A Blizzard Authenticator!  Protect your account from despicable hackery with this marvel of online security technology!  A total of 3 Authenticators will be available to win, and shipped to the winners at no cost!  Winners of these coveted items will also win an additional 200g!


     2.  Every $5 donation will enter you to win:

An Epic Character Airbrush T!  That's right!  This hand crafted depiction of your avatar comes artfully rendered by the High Chieftain himself!  Shirts come in all sizes, and images can be painted on the front or back!  Own a unique and awe-inspiring shirt unavailable anywhere else!  There will be 2 Epic Character T's available to win!  Winners will also receive an additional 300g!

     3.  And finally, the grand prize.  Every $10 donation will enter you to win:

A Mechano-Hog!  Cruise the rough roads and tough terrains of Azeroth in ultimate badass style!  A fold-away passenger car lets you ride with a wingman, and all will watch with envy as you kick up dust in every town!

So there you have it!  Starting today, all donations will be logged and tracked!  Click on the Donate button under the Vent fund to get started!  Go forth to Victory!!

~Ogami, High Chieftain of the Shades of the Rising Sun

**Additional Rules and Regs:**
  • All contributors should send an email to the High Chieftain with their character's name, guild rank, and class to  Included in the email should be to which prize the random numbers will be assigned.  This will help in tracking and awarding lottery numbers and prizes, as well as allow large donations to count to win multiple prizes.  For example:  If Champion Tulkhas were to donate $10 to the Vent Fund, the donation could be divided into: 3 entries to win an Authenticator, 1 Entries for an Authenticator and 1 entry for the Epic T, or 1 entry to win a Mechano-Hog.  A simple email stating which prizes you're gunning for will assure you get the chance you wish!
  • The Vent Drive is open to everyone, regardless of guild rank or financial standing!  Donations to the Guild Vent Fund are done through PayPal, and requires a credit card.  If you don't have a credit card, an alternate means of donating will be available for the duration of the Vent Drive...  
  • Those who lack funds and/or a credit card may instead donate gold to the guild vault!  Every 500g donated will equal $1 to be donated by the High Chieftain on the character's behalf.  Those who wish to participate in this alternative means of donation must first get approval from the High Chieftain.  Approval can be obtained by sending an email to the High Chieftain at:  Please include your character's name, guild rank and class, as well as the reason why you should be considered for alternative donations.  Characters may participate in either traditional donations through PayPal, or alternative gold donations.  No Double Dipping!
  • Donations will be taken all the way up to the day of the drawing on December 1, 2011.  Winners will be announced on that day, as well as the results of the Vent Drive.  Winners, please allow 4-6 weeks for your prizes to be delivered.

Friday, July 1, 2011

New Guild Website Up!

Check it out, comrades!  It is a fully stocked site with forums and links to improve your game and guild experience!

Visit, register, and log in as your character!  Do it today!

~High Chieftain Ogami

Guild Meeting Results

These are the resulting suggestions from a meeting held by Anivas on 6/30/11. During this meeting, which was an open forum of what you, the rank and file of the Shades, would like to see from the guild. The points were then conferred to me, and I'd like to address all of them with you now! As always, you are free to post further thoughts and questions as replies to this forum.
  1. Recruiting 
    • With Patch 4.1 came the new Guild Interface which includes Guild Recruitment tools. Since its implementation, our guild has grown from 20 accounts to over 80! On top of this, all ranks except Peon have the power to invite new members, and are encouraged to do so. But many perhaps don't know about their permission, or how to do it, or even how to promote us as a guild. The question came up, "What kind of guild are we? What to we tell prospective members about us?"  The linked post is from 2009, but it still rings true today. We are more of a social guild than anything, and I think it's important to maintain the fun, friendly environment of cool people hanging out. This is priority over gearscore, raid experience, and PvP 'leetness.' That being said, with our eye toward Raiding, it will be important to look for max level, geared members. But equally important are crafters and gatherers. Every item crafted, every flask created, every meal cooked, counts toward guild achievements and level, and cannot be forsaken. Where do you think flasks and feasts come from? More on this later, but for now, know that Champion Ehrik summed up the type of guild we are pretty accurately in a single sentence:
      • "We are a social, Heroic guild with an eye toward Raiding."
    • So if you would like to see more members, then do your part, comrades! Create a recruitment macro. Fire it off in the cities, in Trade and in General. Farming, doing some Archeology? Pop it in each new zone you get to. See low levels running around? Talk to them. Find out what they're up to, and see if they'd be a good fit here. Run a dungeon with a skilled, friendly, but guildless high level? Reach out. The power is yours!
  2. Increase Repair Allowances
    • As we take on tougher and tougher opponents, gear repairs are an important, yet expensive, part of the game. Blizzard recently took action to try to lessen the burden that plate wearers carry, while attempting to equalize gear repairs accross the classes. While warriors, paladins, and dk's may now be paying less, balance dictates that other classes are paying more.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Truth about Nerfs in 4.2!

There has been a lot of chatter, both online and in the forums, about the upcoming Patch 4.2.  Most players are worried about the same thing: the dreaded Class Nerf!!

While it is true that, in the attempt to balance the game in all its aspects, ungainly decreases in power and abilities have been known to occur, and will continue to occur, I call upon you to use your Reason, comrades, and remember these key points:

  1. The game is Always changing and Always evolving.  Changes that do not work out are very likely to be changed again.  It's part of the game, just as much as it is a part of Life.
  2. Virtually all Nerfs to player classes are due to QQ'ing of the PvP community.  While class nerfs may affect all members of a class, the actual effect may be considerably less detrimental than one might think, especially if one spends more time questing and in dungeons rather than battlefields.  
  3. Every Nerf, regardless of its origin, is almost always accompanied by at least one Buff.  
This last fact becomes glaringly apparent in the following list, which I've compiled from the 4.2 patch notes.  It is a fact of life that nothing is free.  Every benefit has a cost, comrades.  The trick is to lessen the cost while increasing the benefit.  

As you'll see from this list of class changes, any and all Nerfs of 4.2 are actually reasonable costs for the incredible benefits to be experienced by nearly every class!  The patch notes have been compiled and separated into 3 categories, followed by a summary:
  1. Nerf:  A change that lessens the stats and/or abilities of a given class.
  2. Buff:  A change that positively modifies the stats/abilities of a given class.
  3. Superficial:  A change that, while it may be cool to look at or neat in some way, does not significantly alter the stats or abilities of a given class.  (They can still be awesome though.)  
Come, comrades, click "Read More" and see for yourselves.  It's not going to be what you think!  As always, the official, original patch notes can be found here.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rule Revisions!

There is a new system for dealing with inactive characters.  It is detailed under the Rules and Regulation Post, under "AWOL."  Basically, Inactive Characters will lose rep at an increasing scale, thereby losing Rank and Privileges, the longer they are inactive.  When they have no Rep left, they will have another month to get back into the game before being let go.

Also, the Rules for Earning Rep in Dungeons have been modified.  It is now possible to earn Rep in a guild dungeon run regardless of how many Guild members are actually in the group.  There is also a new Bonus Rep system to encourage Tanking, Healing, and Full Clears.  Raid Rep rules have also been modified similarly.  

Go forth, and Glory to the Horde!

~High Chieftain Ogami

In This Corner; Corborus!!

This gargantuan Gyreworm makes short work of the devious Millhouse Manastorm before setting its sights on the other intruders of the Stonecore: YOU!

The Heroic fight is different for one main reason; the Crystal Shards he summons periodically throughout the fight.  Not only must targets of the Crystal Barrage move away from this damaging shower, but what emerges from them is even more deadly.  The shards will hatch from them in a few seconds, and then move toward a random player.  

They are floating Grenades!  They will kill anyone they touch, and explode if destroyed by anyone other than their target, killing them as well.

For this level of the game, AoE Ranged dps is of utmost importance.  The strategy is rather simple;

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Notes on Inviting New Members.

Hail, comrades!

So now that Blizzard's new Looking For Guild interface is in full effect, our ranks of active warriors has grown considerably!  All ranks, from Scout up, will be continued to be empowered to actively recruit, and are encouraged to do so.  And while this has been quite successful, there have been a few questions, which I'll address with the following FAQ:
  1. "Can I invite a friend/someone I just met/anyone?"  The answer to all these is; Yes.  As your High Chieftain, I alone retain the power to decide who can invite and who cannot.  As I've empowered the entire guild to recruit new active members, then the answer is splendidly clear.
  2. "What class are we supposed to be looking for?" 

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Dragonmaw Clan: Returning Ally or Traitorous Menace?

The Twilight Highlands.  A Fabled peninsula beyond the haunted gates of Grim Batol.  Hidden for years, until the world shattering Cataclysm ripped a hole into its mountainous borders.  Now we find two races on the brink of extinction.  A lost clan of Wildhammer dwarves, furious and worthy adversaries of legend, and vile, ash-skinned orcs of the despicable Dragonmaw Clan.  

Many of you, comrades, may see right away the ire with which I regard these treasonous dogs.Indeed, many of you have noticed my marked refusal to serve them beyond what is required to battle the Twilight Hammer.  Their calls for aid against the Wildhammers, for example, go unheeded.  It is not that these untamed dwarves are not worth fighting, it's that battling against them while sitting in the shadow of Deathwing's forces simply does not serve the Horde.  It is for foolish pride and hatred that our wayward cousins, so recently invited back to the fold, call for Wildhammer blood.  It is stupidity, and cowardice, nothing more.  And as alarming as those traits are for supposed allies of the Horde, it is in fact rather typical for Dragonmaw orcs.  For those of you unaware of our history, or of theirs, allow me to explain.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

In this Corner; Corla, Herald of Twilight!!

Corla, the Herald of Twilight is the 2nd boss of Blackrock Caverns, a crazed but powerful zealot of the Twilight Hammer Cult bent on imbuing her minions with the energies of captured dragons!  While she herself is not too complicated a target to kill, the fact is you will encounter her in the middle of her imbuing ritual, and the results are potentially Deadly!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

In This Corner!!

With the coming of the Cataclysm, many unforeseen enemies have surfaced to threaten our very lives!  And just as our namesake declares, we have Risen to this challenge.

But make no mistake, comrades, the enemies we face are powerful, and more deadly than any we've seen in past battles.  Strength alone will not suffice, we must have intelligence, resourcefulness, and mobility.  The old way of fighting is over.  Only by understanding our enemies, both their strengths and their weaknesses, will be emerge victorious!

Therefore, I, your High Chieftain, have gathered intelligence on some of the deadliest enemies we have to face.  Mind you, comrades, none of these are the masterminds of their particular bastions, but they are cunning, and the blood of countless would-be heroes stains the ground they walk on!  And so, here starts the first in a series to educate and prepare us for some of the deadliest foes Azeroth has to offer.  Learn well, comrades, many warriors died to bring us this information!

In This Corner:  Drraahhgaaaaa   Shadowburner!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tanks, Healers, the Guild Needs You!

In every war party, there must be a frontman, and there must be a medic.  With the constant strife in our world, there seems always a shortage of the healing hand, and the broad shield.

Starting now, You can earn additional Guild Rep for filling the role of either a Tank or a Healer.  Whether or not it's your preferred spec is irrelevant, the guild needs you!  Bonus Rep is now available to Tanks and Healers, as well as any who take up the role!  Instance rewards have been updated, and you may click here to see them in their entirety, or "Read more>>" to see them below.

Our enemies are many.  The War rages on.  Only through perseverance, guile, and the spirit of the Horde will we pull through.  Tanks, Medics, your time is now!!

~High Chieftain Ogami

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rep and Rank Revisions now Live!

As promised, comrades, the system for promotion and privilege within the guild has been revised, reduced, and simplified.  The most striking change is the elimination of Raid Points (RDP) as an additional form of reputation.  Also, Craftsmanship has been added as a way to earn guild rep through professions, the first of its kind!

There may be more changes to come, so stay tuned to see what the future will bring.  In the meantime, click here to see how you can become our next Legend!

Strength and Honor!

~High Chieftain Ogami

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rebuilding the Guild: Upcoming Rep/Rank Changes.

Over the last month or so, many of our veterans and officers have left our ranks.  While many of us feared that this was the end of our clan, your High Chieftain sees it differently.  The chaff has been shed.  The fat has been skimmed.  And now it is time for us to seek fresh blood.  And seek it we shall!

Already we are seeing the fruits of our newly invigorated recruitment drive.  As new faces emerge to prove their valor, the need has once again arisen to revise the guild ranks and responsibilities.  Here is a preview of the changes to come:
  • Recruitment:  As many of you have already noticed, all ranks now have the ability to invite new members, and promote them to Scout.  Also, level requirements have been eliminated, so even brand new characters can now join our ranks!
  • Rep/RDP Points:  Since time immemorial, our rank progression has depended on two separate merit points: Reputation(Rep) and Raid Points (RDP).  This system was implemented by a previous High Chieftain long before many of the patches and UI changes in the game took place.  Now, with improved stat viewing interfaces and gear checking now available in game, RDP is no longer necessary for Raid Leaders to gauge the worthiness of potential raiders, and will be eliminated.
  • Ranks:  The progression from Scout to Farseer has once again be revised.  It is now simpler and more intuitive, even for new members, to better understand ranks and their hierarchy.  The New Ranks, along with their Reputation Requirements, are as follows:
      • Peon (n/a):  The lowest rank possible, generally punitive.
      • Scout (0-10 Rep):  New recruit rank.
      • Grunt (11-50 Rep):  Journeyman soldier, and the backbone of our armies.
      • Reaver (51-150 Rep):  Battle hardened veteran.
      • Wolf Guard (151-300 Rep):  Howling mounted warrior, equal to any Knight.
      • Storm Guard (301-500 Rep):  Master of the elements, wise and powerful.
      • Champion  (501+ Rep):  The Greatest of our ilk, a hero to all.
      • Warbringer (Appointed):  Battleground Commander, Raid General.
      • Farseer (Appointed):  Hand of the High Chieftain; Respected and Revered.
      • High Chieftain:  The Supreme Leader.  His word is Law.
  • Officer Duties and Responsibilities:  Due to many of our tried and true elders actually leaving the game, we have many openings for Officer positions within our ranks.  However, with great power will come even greater responsibilities.  All officers will have their privileges increased to nearly those of the High Chieftain himself.  The consequence is that Officers will be expected to take a greater leadership role in the running of the clan.  Officer status will also be based on performance, and be reviewed regularly.
Some of these changes have already been implemented, and the others will be coming soon.  Stay tuned for more details as they come up!

Go forth to Victory!

~High Chieftain Ogami

PS - The prizes from January's Vent Drive will be going out this month.  Apologies for the horrible delay!  

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Into the Hold!

The island of Tol Barad, an otherwise worthless rock off the coast of Glineas, has become a war zone!  It's strategic location makes it a prize for the Horde and the Alliance alike.  But while the world's factions battle for control, a dark power has awakened within the ruined fortress of Baradin Hold!

Argalon, a dreaded Pit Lord of the Burning Legion, has inexplicably been imprisoned within!  How this has occurred, or what this infernal demon of Mannoroth's ilk intends, is irrelevant.  He must be destroyed!!

Warbringer Zorixion has informed me that an assault on Baradin Hold is imminent, and necessary!  This will be no easy task, comrades, for it will be a battle on two fronts!

First, the Hold itself must be secured.  The Alliance has grown strong and bold, and will stop at nothing to wrest what would be an important strategic hub from our grasp.  Equip your resilience gear, and queue up for glorious battle!

Once we have Victory, we can then focus on the true threat to our world.  We have intelligence on exactly how to defeat this demon, a task that, as members of the Free Horde, we are bound by blood to carry out!  Study the footage carefully, comrades.  Many warriors died to bring us this information:

When you are ready to join the assault, Contact Warbringer Zorixion, or Centurions, Tarugoth and Awnee, with your availability, and keep an eye on the calendar, as guild raids will be posted.

Set your sights on Baradin Hold!  Glory and Honor await us!!

Lok'tar Ogar!!

~High Chieftain Ogami

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Vent Drive Results

This post is long overdue, but here are the results of the Guild Vent Drive!

Thanks to your contributions, the guild owned Vent account is now guaranteed to stay active for another 9 months!  It is a stupendous achievement, comrades, and you should be proud to say that our vent is Your vent!  For the Horde!!

The lottery was held on January 31, as promised.  The winners were as follows:

  • A Blizzard Authenticator and 200g went to.....Heinder and Maseorc!
  • An Epic Character Airbrush T and 300g went to......Awnee and Fira
  • And the Grand Prize of the Blizzcon 2010 Official Dethling collector's figurine and 500g went to....Hunii!*
Prizes are being processed as we speak, and will be sent out to the winners this month!  Congratulate them the next time you're online, stay tuned for more awesome clan events!

And thank you again for being the best players in the game!

Lok'tar Ogar!!

~High Chieftain Ogami

*Despite no longer being in the guild, Hunii's very generous contribution to the vent is one of the reasons our contract has been extended so long.  While offered the option of a refund of her donation, Hunii chose instead to stay in the game, and it looks like it paid off for ALL of us!  

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Officers Needed!

Officers Are People Whose Team Wants to Follow Them
  • Officers set the tone and the standard of behavior for the guild as a whole, as well as for the current activity.
  • Each of our guild officers is in charge of a certain area of guild activities.  The first and primary goal is that these activities be fun.  So the officer must approach leadership remembering that this is a game – something we do for enjoyment, not a grueling, exhausting grind.
  • Officers must have their accounts secured by an Authenticator, for what I hope are obvious reasons to everyone.

Special Tasks of Officers
  • Select your goals from the Guild Achievements pane, choosing those not yet accomplished by the guild. 
  • Get approval for the activity and date from the High Chieftain, Farseer or Warbringer.
  • Always have plans ahead of time but have a back-up plan, as sometimes you will need to be flexible due to player availability.
  • Recruit your team from within the guild. 
  • Make sure the person is prepared for the task when you invite them, so there will be no need to kick anyone at the last minute.  We do not kick our guildies!
  • Prepare for the activity and have a strategy in mind.  If the activity is new to you, do your homework on the Internet.
  • Set a date and a time on the calendar for the activity, and send calendar invites.

Clear Communication
  • Share your strategy with the team a few days ahead of time.  This way, people can have time to learn, to ask questions or to make suggestions based on their own experience.  You can share information through in-game mail or via posts on the blog if needed.
  • Assign each person to a specific task, and make sure they are clear on what you want them to do.
  • Be flexible, and adjust your plan if it’s not working.
  • Be approachable, listen to team members and don't take requests or comments personally.
  • Discuss activity-related issues or strategy changes in a mature manner.

Your Team Members’ Expectations
  • They expect to make progress against the goal.
  • They expect to have a good time, in a positive social atmosphere.
  • They expect to have a sense of accomplishment and excitement.
  • They expect to feel like valued, important members of the guild.

Strong, positive leaders, who are willing to work hard to become the kind of leader others want to follow, are vital to the growth of our guild.  We need you!  Speak to a Senior Officer today about joining Officer Ranks!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Guild Rank: Centurion!!

In order to aid and assist the Officers, Elders, and Warbringers in their clandestine operations, a new rank has been added. Existing Rep and RDP rules have been modified, and the official entry has been posted here! 

Below is the Rank description taken from our Official Rep and Rank page.  Read on, comrades!

Centurion (Appointed by the High Chieftain):
   The First of the appointed Officer ranks, the Centurions are those who have exemplified themselves in the eyes of the elders and of the High Chieftain.  Particularly, Centurions have demonstrated not only a passion for combat, but clear and effective leadership skills.  They regularly organize war parties and run operations and campaigns.  They keep in close communication with the Warbringers as well as the Clan Elders, and have proven ability to inspire and command!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Vent Drive!!

Greetings, comrades of the Rising Sun!

One of the greatest assets that our clan possesses is the Guild Bought and Owned Ventrilo account!  Here, we can converse in real time, share experiences, jokes and stories, and of course, coordinate our attacks on our enemies with the utmost speed and efficiency!

The time has come for all members to step up and ensure that our Vent stays active.  For how long will depend on the total contributions we are able to generate.  It could be for 3 months, 6 months, a year, or even 3 years!

Please look to the sidebar and find the Donate button for our Vent fund.  No amount you contribute is too little, so give what you can!  ---->

Of course, I don't expect your contributions for nothing, so for the first time, there will be some added perks for your contributions!

Firstly, everyone who contributes to the vent fund, no matter the size of the contribution, will receive a one time payment of 100g from the Guild Vault!

Secondly, there will be fabulous prizes available to win through a Guild Lottery!  Eligibility will be determined by a set amount of donation!  Each donation of a set amount will enter a random number for you for that particular prize!  You are welcome to donate as many times as you wish for a particular prize!  A Guild Lottery on January 31, 2011 will determine the winners of each prize!  

And without further ado, here is the list of prizes!

  1. Every $2 donation enters a number for you in a drawing for:  
A Blizzard Authenticator!  Protect your account from despicable hackery with this marvel of online security technology!  A total of 3 Authenticators will be available to win, and shipped to the winners at no cost!  Winners of these coveted items will also win an additional 200g!


     2.  Every $4 donation will enter you to win:

An Epic Character Airbrush T!  That's right!  This hand crafted depiction of your avatar comes artfully rendered by the High Chieftain himself!  Shirts come in all sizes, and images can be painted on the front or back!  Own a unique and awe-inspiring shirt unavailable anywhere else!  There will be 2 Epic Character T's available to win!  Winners will also receive an additional 300g!

     3.  Every $5 donation will enter you to win:

An Official Blizzcon 2010 Dethling!  This tiny version of the Destroyer himself comes to you unopened in the original packaging!  Own a piece of Blizzard History!  There is only one Dethling available to win, so donate today, and donate often!  One lucky winner will also receive an additional 500g from the Vault!

So there you have it!  Starting today, all donations will be logged and tracked!  Click on the Donate button under the Vent fund to get started!  Go forth to Victory!!

~Ogami, High Chieftain of the Shades of the Rising Sun

**Additional Rules and Regs:**
  • All contributors should send an email to the High Chieftain with their character's name, guild rank, and class to  Included in the email should be to which prize the random numbers will be assigned.  This will help in tracking and awarding lottery numbers and prizes, as well as allow large donations to count to win multiple prizes.  For example:  If Champion Tulkhas were to donate $10 to the Vent Fund, the donation could be divided into: 5 entries to win an Authenticator, 3 Entries for an Authenticator and 1 entry for the Epic T, or 2 entries to win a Dethling, etc.  A simple email stating which prizes you're gunning for will assure you get the chance you wish!
  • The Vent Drive is open to everyone, regardless of guild rank or financial standing!  Donations to the Guild Vent Fund are done through PayPal, and requires a credit card.  If you don't have a credit card, an alternate means of donating will be available for the duration of the Vent Drive.  Those who lack funds and/or a credit card may instead donate gold to the guild vault.  Every 500g donated will equal $1 to be donated by the High Chieftain on the character's behalf.  Those who wish to participate in this alternative means of donation must first get approval from the High Chieftain.  Approval can be obtained by sending an email to the High Chieftain at:  Please include your character's name, guild rank and class, as well as the reason why you should be considered for alternative donations.  Characters may participate in either traditional donations through PayPal, or alternative gold donations.  No Double Dipping!