Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Revised Rules and Regulations!

Hail Comrades!

So the last year has seen many changes!  We survived the summer guild purges, Raided Ulduar and Icecrown Citadel, established a guild vent, reinvented our ranking system, and enjoyed the influx of splendid, spirited players!

Due to these changes, I found our current Rules and Regulations to be a bit out of date.  It is no longer!

Some of the changes you'll see include:

  • Revision of penalties and discipline based on the new ranking system
  • More relaxed penalties for inactive players.
  • Revision of the intricate Ninja Loot policy.
  • Inclusion of Guild Vent in our Language policy. 
Guild Vent is a treasure and a privilege, comrades.  Please pay particular attention to that last point.  Nothing really significant has changed regarding our language policy, only that Vent chat will now be held to that same standard.  Please ask if you have any questions regarding this.

The World is broken, and we go forth to fight for our very survival.  But, as said by a true hero and warrior of the Horde, "Honor.  No matter how dire the battle, never forsake it!"

Lok'tar Ogar!

~Ogami, High Chieftain of the Shades of the Rising Sun

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Drums of War!!

Our numbers swell, and the bastion of the Lich King looms before us!  The Warbringers feel that our time in nigh.  Rise up, Champions of the Horde, for the Hour of Justice has Come!

Warbringers Gnaws and Kîllz have been preparing, and have stated that a Guild assault upon Icecrown Citadel is nearly upon us.  What they need, comrades, are soldiers!  I call for all interested Shades to post their availabilities, either here on the comments, or in game in a letter to the Warbringers.  

We must know who is prepared for the final onslaught.  Who will stand in the face of everlasting death?  Who will shatter the Frozen Throne?

It may be you!  Lok'tar Ogar!!

~Ogami, High Chieftain of the Shades of the Rising Sun

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blizzcon 2010 Photo Recap!!

It was 2 days of Legend!  The Makers, the players, the loot and the lore, all was a spectacle worthy of the Titans!  So come with me, comrades, and witness the event of the year!  All pics are click to enlarge!

Behold, Blizzcon 2010!!

The Anaheim Convention Center, capacity: 20k, FILLED by the early morning!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Blizzcon 2010!!

That's right comrades!  The convention of the Makers has arrived, and your High Chieftain shall be there to witness the Glory!  From story and lore, to concept art, to open Q&A's, to upcoming content, I shall bring what knowledge I can to you, and post it here for all to see!  

There will be photos, reports, and more!  I hope to perhaps run into one or more of you there, but even if you cannot personally make it, you can still bear witness to all the action live via stream, and can set it up here, from the Makers' official page.  

If you do manage watch the event on live stream, look for this image.  It is the Only shirt of its kind!  If you are one of the fortunate souls who will actually be in attendance, know my name is Ogami, the High Chieftain of the Shades of the Rising Sun!!

Blood and Glory await us!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Workaround for Dungeon Crashes.

Hail, comrades!  Over the weekend, as we endeavor to learn our new powers, many of us have experienced a great number of glitches and bugs.  Most of these can be attributed to personal settings and UI mods, such as addons, but there are a few others that are in fact server side.  While most of these Actual bugs are cosmetic and non-gamebreaking, this one in particular is an exception.
     Luckily, while the Makers scramble to correct this issue, which will likely happen by next maintenance, our intrepid community has devised a workaround that does seem successful.  
     If you find that your game keeps crashing inside of instances, including during the Headless Horseman event, this is most likely caused by this known issue, and is being called the Cogwheel Bug.  Basically, anytime there is a usable object inside an instance, you'll see the familiar cogwheel.  This glitch causes the game to crash whenever you do.  
    As frustrating as this can be, there is a relatively simple workaround that, while it may take a few minutes to write, is definitely worth the multiple restarts.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Screenshot Gallery Updated!

New Screenshots added!  This post will be updated and reposted as more pics come in!

An Iron Clad Ogami takes on the mighty Phalanx! Whatcha gonna do, brother?!

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Time has Come!!

The Warnings were given....

The Signs were clear...

The Sands of Time have run out...

The Destroyer has Returned!!

May the Spirits be with us all!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Guild Vent is now Live!

Welcome to the era of Shadespeak!  This is the first official Guild Owned Vent Server!  It is brought to you by the generous donations of You, the comrades of the Rising Sun!  And only by Your contributions will it remain active!

We now have 3 months of 25man voice chat!  The Vent info can be found in game under guild information, and will appear as follows:

Authenticator Required!

In order to address the plague of hacked Officers looting entire guild vaults, the Makers have wisely implemented an Authenticator Required option in the Guild Controls.  As High Chieftain of a guild that has seen the recent hacking of 2 Officers in one week, I have implemented this feature.  Now, all Chieftain appointed ranks will require the attachment of an Authenticator to their accounts.  That means anyone ranked Master and above!

Patch 4.0.1 is Live! What you need to know.

Hail, comrades!  So, the new Patch is here, finally, and with it come probably more changes than most of us have ever experienced before.  And this is just the beginning.  

The Makers were wise to release most of the UI changes now, months before the expansion, so that we may have time to get used to the way things will be from now on.  Many of you are scrambling to respec, reglyph, and just get to know your characters again.  This is time well spent comrades.

In order to help with this transition, the warriors over at Tankspot have released this video, the Patch 4.0 survival guide.  I highly recommend you all take about 10 minutes and listen to the Marmot:

It is good advice, comrades.  The Key Points are these:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Guild Reputation Updated and Revised!

Individual progress within our ranks is determined by personality and involvement.  The basic rule of thumb is; be cool while online, and group up with guildmembers often!

For the full breakdown of the guild reputation system, look to the Archives under "Rep and Rank," or just click here.

Remember to report all group activities to an Officer or Lieutenant, (ranked Storm Guard or higher), so that you can be awarded properly!

We are currently short on the following ranks:

Reavers, Wolf Guard, Storm Guard, and Masters. 

Visit the previous posting to see the description and duties of each of these ranks.  If you got what it takes, then there's only one thing left to do.

Prove it!

~Ogami, High Chieftain of the Shades of the Rising Sun

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Donate to the Vent Fund!

     In her benevolent wisdom, Farseer Neimue has recognized the need for a guild vent, and has offered ideas on how to make this happen.  Strong communication will be essential to our future, both as a social community and an up and coming raid presence!
     Therefore, I have created an official Vent Fund using PayPal.  You will find the new donation button to the right, and it will appear like this:

To get an idea of what kind of funds will be required to establish solid guild communications, visit this site for details.  Darkstarllc seems to be the most economical and highest rated of the providers out there.  Indeed, it is the same provider we once had thanks to Master Gorntock.  But of course if one of you, my warriors, can find something better, I am open to hear it.  As you will see, we would benefit from at least a 25 slot account, but ideally, if our plans for expansion come to fruition, I would very much like to see us boasting a 50 slot account.  Doing so would mean no shortage of slots for our membership or our allies!

So take action, comrades!  No amount you donate is too small, and anything you give will have a direct and real impact on the quality of our guild life!  The spirits of the digital nether beckon, will you answer?  

You already have my gratitude!  Lok'tar Ogar!

~Ogami, High Chieftain of the Shades of the Rising Sun

Thursday, September 30, 2010

New Ranks and Responsibilities!

     With the renewed effort to grow our ranks, the need for a clearer hierarchy has become apparent!  Originally, the idea was to use the classic Horde ranking system from the old world PvP days.  However, news has reached my ears that the Makers will be reinstating that same system some time after the Shattering!  Therefore, so we do not appear redundant, I present to you the revised Ranks and description of duties, as well as the requirements to attain them!  

You will find that, despite being slightly modified, these new ranks embody the pride and fighting spirit of the Horde!  Lok'tar Ogar!!


Guild Reputation is how members gain Rank and Privileges within the Guild.

There are 2 types of Reputation Points:  Rep Points (Rep) and Raid Points (RDP).  Rep Points can be gained in a variety of ways, but Raid Points are specific to Raids and Heroic Instances, and are intended for higher level characters and content. 

Rep and Rank:
Reputation earned can result in promotions within the Guild!  Every clan has a Hierarchy, and each level within entails certain duties and privileges  With power comes responsibility, and if you are to proceed within our ranks, you will be expected to know and perform your duties.
Nearly all ranks are based on earning reputation.  The following is a list of the Ranks and their Rep Requirements:

Rep: Rank:
n/a Peon
0-10 Scout
11-50 Reaver
51-100 Wolf Guard
101-200 + 10 RDP Storm Guard
201-350 + 50 RDP Champion
There are in fact 3 Ranks after Champion which are appointed by the High Chieftain.  They are:  Master, Warbringer, and Farseer.  

Winds of Change!

Lok'tar Ogar, comrades!  

As you know, our clan has become rather inactive over the last season, and even with the summer ended, the membership has dwindled, and the online presence has been scarce.

There is much to be done, comrades, before the coming of the Cataclysm.  The Shattering is on the horizon, and we are not prepared.

Therefore, the Officers have met and a battle plan was instated that will breathe new life into our clan.  We will be strong again!

The goals before the coming of the Cataclysm are these:

-Rebuild our ranks.
-Assault the bastions of the Old World that will disappear in the Shattering.
-Kill the Lich King.

It will not be easy, comrades, but with a renewed commitment to Glory, we Can achieve these things!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Truth About Gearscore.

It's something we're all familiar with, comrades.  It's an everyday, albeit annoying, part of life in the PuG lane.  No trip to Trade Chat is complete without the call for warriors to join a group assault on one of the many bastions of our enemies, but with the requirement of X Gearscore.  And while the right Gear can and does make a difference in any Raid or Instance, it is not nearly the end all be all indicator of a player's skill.  

Of course you know this, we all do.  But it's one thing to know something, and quite something else to see it demonstrated before your eyes!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Zalazane Must Fall!!

The time has come, comrades!  The Call has been given, and it will be answered!

Under Thrall's leadership, the Horde operates not as the ruthless dictatorship of ages past, but as a Federation, where different, independently ruled nations thrive under the same banner.  A stain on this shining ideal is the plight of our Darkspear Trolls!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lore of Warcraft: Dusk, part 1

With the Blizzard Global Writing Contest deadline passed, I now present the Hokage's submission!  This is the first part of a story too epic to be contained within the 7500 word requirement.  Therefore, what follows is merely the first chapter of the tale!

"In his short time with the Nightwatch of Darkshire, Samuel has faced many horrors in the years since the 3rd war. Now, with Worgen packs ravaging the town's supply lines, Samuel must bring all his skill and strength to bear against this new and terrifying enemy. But there is something else in the woods, something even the Worgen fear..."

Click "Read More" to see the full version, and enjoy!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

State of the Guild Address - August 2010

Happy end of summer, comrades!  

There seem to be many rumors circulating about the apparent lack of online presence of our members.  I'd like to take this opportunity to address the unfortunate fears that have reached even my ears!

This summer has seen many changes, comrades!  Many of us have traveled, found new opportunities, worked hard for seasonal cash, and have spent much time on actual RL adventures.  Others have simply created alts to experience the Alliance side of the game, just to try something new.  Much will change in the Cataclysm, so it's understandable that many would try to experience as much of the world as possible before it is gone forever.

This time devoted to enjoying the Summer months as well as alternate faction experiences has in fact lead to a decreased online presence.  But this has been so for many a guild, not just our own.  Make no mistake, our clan is not disbanding.  Our guild is not ended.  Do not let the scarce membership you may find online on any given day lead you to despair. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Under the sway of the Burning Legion, the vile Ogre Magi were able to tap into our darkest emotions.  Fueled by demonic fire, this rage was multiplied in potency many times over, and unleashed upon the enemies of the Horde!  The consequences were catastrophic.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lore of Warcraft: The Flight to Kalimdor

After the fall of Durneholde Keep, the young warrior-shaman named Thrall faced an uncertain future.  The orcs were free from the human internment camps, and the Fel withdrawal that so sapped their spirits was abated by their newly rediscovered spirituality and reverence for the forces of nature.  But their legendary warchief, Orgrim Doomhammer, had been slain in the struggle, leaving the young and idealistic Thrall to take up his mantle.

Now, even with their hard won freedom, the orcs still remained in a hostile land.  How long could they survive a renewed assault by the armies of Lordaeron and their allies?  What place could his people possibly call home in this world?  These were questions that plagued the young warchief, and while he had the respect and unflinching loyalty of the orcs he freed, they were questions he had yet to answer. 

Fun With Macros Update!

Comrades!  A tried and true macro has been improved!  Remember the macro I informed you about that lets you use 1 button to trigger two alternate abilities? If you don't, click here to see the previous post on this amazing and stupifying ability!!

Now, since we already know we can make 1 button toggle two separate abilities, which is great, about we throw a 3rd ability in there?  That's right, now, up to 3 abilities can be triggered using 1 button!  Think of the space you'll save on the ol' action bars now!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Endangered Areas!

While politicians and warmongers bicker and squabble over scraps and inflated egos, the danger of a global catastrophe looms!  It is no longer a question of IF it will happen, according to the Druids of the Cenarian Circle and the Shamans of the Earthen Ring, but of when!  

But this begs another question; "Where?"

While the global Cataclysm is sure to shake all of Azeroth to its foundations, it is imperative to know which areas will most likely be the hardest hit, the most affected, in order that those of us who heed the words of the wise ones may survive!  Also, while the political landscape is shaped by history and bloodshed, the question of how the great nations of Durotar and Stormwind will handle the Aftermath is one of great concern.  

I've spoken to the wisest Shamans and Druids I could find.  The future may look grim, but with knowledge and foresight, we will stand a better chance of carving out future in the face of the Aftermath!

And so, here is a listing of the areas most likely to be affected by the coming Cataclysm, as well as its aftermath:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gone Phishin'

I received this email this morning from a gold farmer posing to be Blizzard.  It's a fine example of just how cunning our lovable account thieves are, as well has how foolish many players can be.  Many of us are anxiously awaiting the coming Cataclysm, but if you'd like to opt into the beta and play the test realms, go to the official website.  

This email looks all official, and the hyperlinks, which were replaced here, lead to pages that look like the actual log in screen.  This is just for them to record you security and log in information, as well as to have you download a nice keylogger onto your system to allow repeat hacking!  Sounds good eh?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New Allies for Old Enemies!!

Comrades!  As lethal in combat as they are ironic in name, the Enemy of the Sun clan has offered to join forces in flushing out the Raids of Old!  That's right, in what may be our last opportunities to see these Classic Raids before the great Cataclysm, these mighty soldiers have offered their strength, their steel, and their powers!  Blackrock, Molten Core, Ahn'Qiraj, Karazhan, Zul'Aman, Tempest Keep, The Black Temple, and yes, even Naxxramas and Ulduar, will now face the combined strength of the Shades and the Enemies of the Sun!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Diary of a Hacked Account

Comrades, April was a hard month for many members of our clan!  Several of us, including myself, became victims of insidious account thieves!  The tools to protect yourself are out there, and it is up to each one of you to ensure that this never happens to you!  Please visit Blizzard's own Account Security Site to learn fully and specifically what you need to do to protect yourself!

And now, the following is my own log of the events following my account getting stolen!  It can happen to you, so learn and protect yourself!



Hail, comrades.  It is indeed a dark day.  I, your Hokage, have been hacked.  I do believe it was because of an oversight on my part in posting my email address as public knowledge.  With the bnet username already known, it was no doubt a simple matter of time for the hacker to eventually hack my password.  I did believe I was secure, since I change my password regularly, but I was wrong.

First thing's first:  Minimize the damage.  Reports have been sent in to both

Monday, April 19, 2010

Coming Soon....

That's right, comrades!  If you thought Ironforge was a festival of masochism, you haven't seen anything yet!!

Pushing their pain thresholds to their very limits, the Deathracers of the Shades of the Rising Sun bring their games to the Alliance Capital!!

The guards are quick, and many.  The faction players are powerful, and unforgiving!  The reigning Deathrace Champion, Anivas, will not relinquish his title without a fight!  Two races will determine not only who will win up to 450g in prize cash, but who will survive at all! 

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

State of the Guild Address

Greetings, my comrades!

I wanted to take this moment and tell you all how proud I am of how far we've come, and how much I look forward to good things in the future!

Six months ago, the guild was crumbling.  But as we entered into the new year, we did so with renewed fire, and it is reflected in the spirit of our membership.

We've since seen the number of active players online swell from 1 or 2 to as many as 25 at one time, and I expect that to grow as our membership does!  Our guild dynamic has attracted new members, even formidable characters who's raid experience far outmatches our own.  Inactive or uncouth recruits are sanctioned or eliminated without remorse.

We've seen several new 80's come of age, and the guild's dedication to gearing them up and honing their skills has been inspiring!

Brothers in Arms

Hail, comrades!

So as we grow stronger, and begin tackling harder content, we find ourselves many times shorthanded.  But fear not, your Hokage has been hard at work building alliances and maintaining friendships that will aid us in our struggles in Northrend and beyond!  Furthermore, I encourage you to do the same.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lore of Warcraft: Aspects of the Dragon

Dawnshadows, aspiring warlock and disciple of the Demonmaster Neimue, has taken it upon herself to seek out the history of our world!  In her quest, she has found other wiser lorekeepers throughout Azeroth!
From the peaks of the Stonetalon Mountains to the arid spires of the Thousand Needles, she has sought out ancient and forgotten tomes, many of which contain answers to long and difficult questions.  Among her discoveries are clues to the once supreme protectors of our world; The Great Dragon Aspects!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Epic Gear!

Take your pride into the Real World!  Thanks to swagdog, in game will not be the only place to show your colors!  All designs are customizable!  Check it out!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Deathrace: Ironforge Results!

The Intrepid Deathracers assemble at the foot of the mountain. The mighty Ironforge looms above them!  (click to enlarge)

In a star studded and epic day of fatalistic racing, the Shades assembled upon the small Ice Troll Campground outside of the mighty Ironforge!  It was a day of heartache, pain, and triumph!! 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lore of Warcraft: The Fall of Arthas

As the terrible war against the Lich King enters its final chapter, let us reflect on the man, once a great hero of the Alliance, who fell so far from grace.

As with all tragic heroes, Prince Arthas Menethil suffered a fatal flaw.  The most triumphant stories are about those who overcome, or succumb, to the Dark Side of their nature.  Our very own honored ancestor, Grom Hellscream, was one such hero.  His tale ended in glory and freedom.  But the story of Arthas, on the other hand, is how these tales usually end...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

More Fun With Macros!

Greetings, my comrades!

Many of you in game have asked me about my stupendous macros!  I'm sure you've only noticed me using them because of the battle cries that are heard at various points of a fight.  This is because, through a macro, I have attached random phrases to certain abilities.

Macros are not only fun, they can be great space savers!  For many of us, it seems there just isn't enough room on our action bars for all our desired abilities.  To help remedy this, I will show you a simple and very useful macro that will turn one button into a switch for 2 abilities!

Monday, March 1, 2010


That's right, comrades!  In a stunning display of courage and prowess, the Guild Joust has crowned itself for the first time the title of Undisputed Grand Champion!!

Defending Jr. Champion, Jestian goes head to head with newcomer, Rentok!  The Mighty Gorntock looks on!  [click to enlarge]

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Coming Soon to Ironforge...

[Edit] All Coin Prizes have been doubled!  Some prizes were increased even more!  See the rewards Below!

That's Right!  For the first time ever, the brave and reckless members of the Shades will don the PvP flag and mount their Epic rides for a no holds barred race for survival!!  

Monday, February 1, 2010

We Weren't the Only Ones...

I regret to inform you that no more than 3 days ago, our Guild Vault was robbed.  An inactive but high ranking character by the name of Ogdin, along with his various alts, took dozens high level, high priced items, including a rainbow of Epic Uncut Gems, and promptly left the guild.  The logs list one of the perpetrators as "Unknown," which suggests that the characters were either deleted or transferred to another realm.  This also suggests that this was not a deliberate attack by the player known as Ogdin, but that this player's account was hacked.  This is classic Gold Farmer m/o.

Since then, all inactive profiles have been restricted from the Guild Vault, and Ogdin placed on the Blacklist.  The Hokage has already petitioned the GM's with a full report.  All actions that happen in game are logged, and there is no doubt we will have all stolen items of value returned in time.  The theft itself, while troublesome and frustrating, is not nearly as disturbing as the very likely fact that one of our own was Hacked!

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Fall of Naxxramas!

 The Dread Citadel looms over the Wastes of Dragonblight, in all its former glory...

Today, the Shades of the Rising Sun have done what mere months ago was unthinkable!  Today, an Assault Ended in Victory!!  Naxxramas, the Dread Citadel, symbol of the Lich King's Far Reaching Corruption and Might, was left in Utter Ruin by the Blades and Magic of our Clan!

Champions of the Joust!

In an Epic Showcase of skill and determination, the Guild Joust successfully ended with not just one, but Two Champions!

Defending for the second time since the conception of the Guild Joust, Champion Zorixion retained his title!  No easy task, as he faced the Hokage, Ogami in the Semi's and the mighty Tallos in the Finals.  Ogami gave Zorixion trouble in the first of 3 rounds, but Zorixion triumphed, moving on to face Tallos fresh off a 3 round win of his own!  Zorixion then proceeded to best Tallos 3 rounds in a row, with Tallos fighting hard each round, resulting in many close calls!  Indeed, Zorixion truly earned his place as Champion!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Gold, Epic Mounts, and You!

Hail, comrades!  

With so many of you attaining level 80 recently, there seems to be much anticipation and anxiety about obtaining your Artisan Riding Training and your Epic Flying Mount!  Of course, the most prohibitive thing about getting either of these is the price, which is about 5,000g for the training and another 100g for the mount itself.  This amount of gold, I know, just seems so far out of reach.  But I am here to assure you, it is not!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lore of Warcraft: The Worgen of Ashenvale

In the Northern part of Central Ashenvale, West of the road leading to Felwood, one can find the aptly named Howling Vale.  Dreadful cries of dark creatures give the place its name.  It is there, among the forgotten ruins of a once great Elven outpost, that packs of savage Worgen make their den!

How can this be?  All members of the Horde who are familiar with the bastion of Shadowfang Keep, and the infected camps of the Grizzly Hills, know that it was the Archmage Arugal, and Ur before him, who were responsible for the Worgen's presence in this world.  There is no record of either of these wizards of the Kirin Tor ever making their way to the untamed wilderness of Kalimdor.  And yet, here the Worgen reside, nonetheless...

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Note on Account Sharing.

While Account Sharing is prohibited in the Terms of Service contract players all agree to when creating their accounts, it's also understood that in the case of families, there will be multiple siblings with characters on a single account.  Whatever the case may be, please understand that you and you alone are responsible for the security of your account and your character.  If you allow friends or family members to play your character, you will be held responsible for any violations they wittingly or unwittingly commit. We have had more than one incident where this became an issue, and in one case, resulted in the expulsion of a guild member.  

Realize that the power to avoid such a horrible situation rests completely in your hands!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lore of Warcraft: The Arcane Smith of Andorhal

     His name is Jeziba.  According to Haleh, Matron Protectorate of the blue dragon lair of Mazthoril, "He is a mortal as wise as the ancients and as patient as the immovable earth."  He calls himself a sculptor, not of stone or metal, but of heroes.  Through his guidance, the bravest and most stalwart adventurers are tested and hardened.  Much as the Argent Crusade seeks the best and brightest to send forth against the Lich King, so too does Jeziba seek champions against an equally sinister enemy.